
Detailing Bag/Tisztítószer táska

Racoonshop ”tornazsák” rozsdás rendszám (új)
Racoonshop ”tornazsák” rozsdás rendszám (új)

3 990 Ft (3 141,73 Ft + ÁFA)

Racoonshop, rozsdás rendszám minta. Pamut tornazsák

Waschelden XXL cube detailing bag (új)
Waschelden XXL cube detailing bag (új) Gyártó: Gyeon

24 990 Ft (19 677,17 Ft + ÁFA)

2 szintes óriás, amiben minden elfér amit csak rendelnél. Javaslom töltsd is meg üresen mit sem ér!. Zsebek, fülek, variálható térelválasztók, külső zebek, rekeszek, ecsettartók. 1L es tugát úgy benyeli hogy elférne mellette még vagy 10. tépőzár alul és hátul, hogy stabil legyen.
Méret: 50cm x 24cm x 42cm

Waschelden cube detailing bag
Waschelden cube detailing bagGyártó: Gyeon

10 990 Ft (8 653,54 Ft + ÁFA)

Praktikus kocka forma, tépőzárakkal hátul és alul. strapabíró, stabil.
Méret: 30cm x 30cm x 30cm


  • 9028 Győr Külső veszprémi u.14/B (csak telephely)
  • +36302174370
  • info@racoonshop.hu


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<% ' Trusted Shop engine class, which provides purchase data sending. ' Version 2.0 ' Árukereső.hu 2016 */ Class TrustedShop Private Sub Class_Initialize() VERSION = "2.0/ASP-CLASSIC" SERVICE_URL_SEND = "https://www.arukereso.hu/" SERVICE_URL_AKU = "https://assets.arukereso.com/aku.min.js" SERVICE_TOKEN_REQUEST = "t2/TokenRequest.php" SERVICE_TOKEN_PROCESS = "t2/TrustedShop.php" ERROR_EMPTY_EMAIL = "Customer e-mail address is empty." ERROR_EMPTY_WEBAPIKEY = "Partner WebApiKey is empty." ERROR_EXAMPLE_EMAIL = "Customer e-mail address has been not changed yet." ERROR_EXAMPLE_PRODUCT = "Product name has been not changed yet." ERROR_TOKEN_REQUEST_TIMED_OUT = "Token request timed out." ERROR_TOKEN_REQUEST_FAILED = "Token request failed." ERROR_TOKEN_BAD_REQUEST = "Bad request: " Set Products = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") ProductCount = 0 End Sub Private VERSION Private SERVICE_URL_SEND Private SERVICE_URL_AKU Private SERVICE_TOKEN_REQUEST Private SERVICE_TOKEN_PROCESS Private ERROR_EMPTY_EMAIL Private ERROR_EMPTY_WEBAPIKEY Private ERROR_EXAMPLE_EMAIL Private ERROR_EXAMPLE_PRODUCT Private ERROR_TOKEN_REQUEST_TIMED_OUT Private ERROR_TOKEN_REQUEST_FAILED Private ERROR_TOKEN_BAD_REQUEST Private WebApiKey Private Email Private Products Private ProductCount ' Sets the customer's e-mail address. Public Sub SetEmail(Data) Email = Data End Sub ' Sets partner WebApiKey Public Sub SetWebApiKey(Data) WebApiKey = Data End Sub ' Get message of occured error Public Function GetErrorMessage() GetErrorMessage = ErrorMessage End Function ' Indicates whether error has been occured or not Public Function HasError() HasError = ErrorMessage <> "" End Function ' Adds a product name to send. Callable multiple times. Public Function AddProduct(ProductParams) Dim Product Set Product = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") Dim Counter Counter = 0 For Each Param In ProductParams If (Counter = 0) Then Product.Add "Name", Param ElseIf (Counter = 1) Then Product.Add "Id", Param End If Counter = Counter + 1 Next ProductCount = ProductCount + 1 Products.Add ProductCount, Product End Function ' Makes a Unix timestamp Private Function GetUnixTimestamp() GetUnixTimestamp = DateDiff("s", "01/01/1970 00:00:00", Now()) End Function ' Prepares the Trusted code, which provides data sending from the customer's browser to us. Public Function Prepare() Dim Examples(1) Examples(0) = "Name of first purchased product" Examples(1) = "Name of second purchased product" ' Check example product names: Dim Key, Example For Each Example In Examples For Each Key In Products.Keys If Products(Key)("Name") = Example Then ErrorMessage = ERROR_EXAMPLE_PRODUCT Exit For End If Next Next ' Check additional parameters before request a token: If Email = "somebody@example.com" Then ErrorMessage = ERROR_EXAMPLE_EMAIL ElseIf Email = "" Then ErrorMessage = ERROR_EMPTY_EMAIL ElseIf WebApiKey = "" Then ErrorMessage = ERROR_EMPTY_WEBAPIKEY End If If ErrorMessage = "" Then ' Build JSON of products: Set Json = New aspJSON For Each Key In Products.Keys Set Json.data(Key) = Json.Collection() Json.data(Key).Add "Name", Products(Key)("Name") If Products(Key).Exists("Id") Then Json.data(Key).Add "Id", Products(Key)("Id") End If Next ' Prepare params to post: Dim Params Params = "Version=" & Server.URLEncode(VERSION) Params = Params & "&WebApiKey=" & WebApiKey Params = Params & "&Email=" & Server.URLEncode(Email) Params = Params & "&Products=" & Server.URLEncode(Json.JSONoutput()) Dim Random Randomize Random = md5(WebApiKey & GetUnixTimestamp() & Int(Round(Rnd() * 1000) + 1)) Dim Query Query = GetQuery(Params) ' Token request is not failed: If ErrorMessage = "" Then Dim Output ' Sending: Output = "" ' Include: Output = Output & "" ' Fallback: Output = Output & "" Prepare = Output End If End If End Function ' Performs a request on our servers to get a token and assembles query params with it. Private Function GetQuery(Params) Dim Url Url = SERVICE_URL_SEND & SERVICE_TOKEN_REQUEST Dim Http Set Http = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") Http.open "POST", Url, true Http.setRequestHeader "content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" Http.send Params Dim Query If Http.waitForResponse(1) Then If Http.status = 200 Then Set Json = New aspJSON Json.loadJSON(Http.responseText) Query = "Token=" & Json.data("Token") Query = Query & "&WebApiKey=" & WebApiKey Query = Query & "&C=" GetQuery = "?" & Query ElseIf Http.status = 400 Then Set Json = New aspJSON Json.loadJSON(Http.responseText) ErrorMessage = ERROR_TOKEN_BAD_REQUEST & Json.data("ErrorCode") & " - " & Json.data("ErrorMessage") Else ErrorMessage = ERROR_TOKEN_REQUEST_FAILED End If Else ErrorMessage = ERROR_TOKEN_REQUEST_TIMED_OUT End If End Function End Class %>